Monday, December 10, 2012

Kanisa la TAG Manzese

Kanisa la muda la TAG lililopo tarafaya Kilosa mijini kitongoji cha Manzese likiwa tayari kwa ajili ya kuanza kutumiwa na waumini wa mahahli hapo. Nilizungumza na mchungaji wa mahali hapo Mch Mwakiame naye aliniambia kwamba katika kazi ya uchungaji ugumu unaojitokeza wakati wa kuazisha kanisa ni kuhusiana na upatikanaji wa kiwanja. Yeye pamoja na waumini wenzake walianzia huduma katika madarasa ya shule ya msingi Sinai iliyopo karibu na kanisa hilo na baadae Mungu amewakumbuka na kuwapatia kiwanja hicho ambapo sasa nuru mpya ya matumaini imeonekana kwa kuwa sasa wanaamini kwamba kanisa litasimama. Aidha Mchungaji huyo anawaomba watu wenye mapenzi mema na shauku ya kutaka kuona kazi ya Mungu ikisonga mbele kuwasiliana naye kupitia namba yake ambayo ni 0654866554 au 0768235397 au 0686977560 kwa ajili ya kuchangia chochote kile kinachoweza kusaidia ujenzi wa kanisa jipya linalotarajiwa kujengwa wakati wakiendelea kuabudu katika kanisa hili la muda. Haya kazi hiyoooo ukiwa na sement, mabati, mbao, viti vya plastiki au fedha vema basi ukapanda hazina yako hapa na Mungu atakubariki sana...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


How To Witness For Jesus
How to witness and effectively share your faith

How to witness
for Jesus

God commands Christians to witness, Matthew 28:18-20 and He promises power to be His witnesses, Acts 1:8. There are many ways to witness for Jesus but here are two of the most important ways we witness.
1. We witness for Jesus by telling others how Jesus paid for our sins with His blood and rose from the dead so we can be saved. This involves talking to people and gently presenting the gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4.
2. We witness for Jesus by living an authentic Christian life based on a Biblical worldview. Both ways of witnessing for Jesus are important and necessary.

Street ministry
for Jesus

If we talk to others about Jesus Christ but our life contradicts our words, people won’t believe our testimony.
 NOTE. In you group you must have a group leader who will lead you in what you should do whether to continue or not, whether the demons you have chased have gone already or not yet. Make sure you do not lose too much time at a certain point when some people refuse you do not force then. Keep in mind that the work of saving people is not in our efforts but for us we help to make the work of JESUUS happen only by our wisdom.
If we live an authentic Christian life but never tell others about Jesus, how will people know that Jesus can be their Savior too?
People use all kinds of excuses for not sharing their faith in Jesus. Fear of what others will think and fear of being asked a question you can't answer keeps many Christ- ians from witnessing.
Let me help you deal with your fears so you can tell others about Jesus.  You must struggle to overcome fear about sharing your faith in Jesus Christ.

“How shall they believe in Him
of whom they have not heard?”

-Romans 10:14
Someone needs to tell them about Jesus.
Someone loved you enough to tell you about Jesus.
Will you love others enough to tell them about Jesus?
How do I tell someone about Jesus? What do I say?
Remember; There is one thing you can’t do in heaven you reach there but you can only do it on earth. THIS IS SHARING YOUR FAITH WITH A NON BELIEVER. Why? Because in heaven all are believers.


 1ST APPOACH ON How To Witness For Jesus
 In Under 4 Minutes.


(i)              What is your name?

(ii)            What do you know about creation? How do you say how does it happen to the earth to be like this. Is it real history? Or science? Mention other things like how the sky is, what happen when somebody sleep at night and again work up in the morning. (You are a University student explain what you concluded from all the way of your studying)

(iii)          What do you want to do in future   ---  after that---- after  that --- after that --- (ten it will come to death) ----- after that---- ( here is where many people do have answers)

2nd APPOACH ON How To Witness For Jesus
This witnessing method uses the Ten Commandments to teach people that our own human goodness can never satisfy the demands of God's law.
Witnessing this way is effective because it aims at the conscience, putting the witnessing Christian in sync with the Holy Spirit, using God's Law to show people their sins.
When you use the Ten Commandments make sure you refer to the way they are written in the Bible. Exodus 20:1--- do not just refer somewhere else  where they are written

The Ten Commandments

God uses the Law, not to save anyone but to bring them to repentance.
That is the purpose of God’s Law and our reason for encouraging every Christian to learn how to witness using God's law.
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Galatians 3:24
Using the 10 Commandments shows us that we cannot keep God’s law, no matter how sincere we are and no matter how hard we try.
Once a sinner understands that, s(he) then begins to understand the absolute necessity of repenting and trusting Jesus Christ instead of his or her good works.

You can learn to witness
using God's law
to reach their heart

  1. Read the 10 Commandments until they are fixed in your mind. The 10 Commandments are found in Exodus 20:3-17.
  2. Watch the video again and use the dialogue as your witnessing model. Its okay to make study notes on a 3x5 card.
  3. Watching the video a number of times helps to fix this witnessing approach in your mind.
  4. Try it out on a friend and practice what you're going to say. Practice in front of a mirror until you are confident. Smile as you present the grace of God to folks who don't yet know Him.
  5. You can learn to witness effectively and its worth investing your time to learn how to present the good news of Jesus Christ.
  6. Once you've learned how to witness effectively, you can witness anywhere to anyone.
  7. Now that you know how to witness effectively, you need some good gospel tracts.

The Ten Commandments to get saved.

The Ten Commandments

We use the Ten Commandments to show that everyone is a sinner, that none of us can keep them therefore ALL of us need Jesus as our Savior.
Once people understand they are sinners and their own goodness cannot save them, they are more willing to repent (change their mind) and trust Jesus Christ as Savior.

Jesus arose from the dead
and He's alive today!

The great thing about Jesus is that He didn’t stay in the grave. He didn’t stay dead. We know that God the Father accepted Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins because God raised Jesus from the dead. That is the good news we can share with everyone.

What incredible things happen
when you tell others about Jesus?

Sometimes witnessing for Jesus can be discouraging because we don't always see immediate results. We are programmed to expect instant gratification. But sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others doesn't always give us instant results.
Have you ever felt like witnessing for Jesus and passing out gospel tracts isn't having much impact? If you have tracts with you is better you can also offer them. God is always working behind the scenes as we faithfully witness for Him.
Do not worry at every single word you speak for GOD is a WINNING situation. The following results happen when you witness
1.     Somebody can accept Jesus    -    That’s right this is a WINNING situation
2.        Plant a seed in a person. That’s also right it is a WINNING situation.
3.      Somebody can reject Jesus = LOOSE
ACCEPT JESUS = WINNING                               2/3×100 = 66
REJECT JESUS = LOOSE                         isn’t worth? more than half the possibility
PLANT SEED =WINNING                      at every single witness is a WINNING situation
Never the less
4.     Somebody may say that he/she is already be saved. ( Here you need to know what does salvation mean and explain to him/ her) This is also a WINNING situation

By Ev Erick Farahani.
Injilidawa Ministry
I Thank GOD for teaching me this little knowledge I wish you all the Victory in doing the work of our LORD JESUS . This lesson and many other WITNESSING experiences can be found at my website:

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Enternal Power

  It is amazing with the power of Holy Ghost once enter and capture your mind

Did God Really Give Me Supernatural Power?
• How Do I Obtain The Power That God Said I Have?
• Why Do Christians Suffer So Much?
• How Come God Doesn't Answer Me
• What is the Secret to A Christian's Power?
• How Do I "Do the Works that Jesus Did - And Even Greater Works"?

Scripture Reference:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh (people): and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath" [Acts 2:17]


God Is pouring Out His Spirit:
Our Heavenly Father is pouring out His Spirit upon All people - and He wants you to receive Him in such measure that you are literally a walking powerhouse that is supernaturally empowered to do not only the works that Jesus did - but even greater works!
Why is God pouring out His Spirit instead of just doing things according to previous generations? Acts 1:8 tells us exactly why: "You shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you - and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

Power for What?
Let me tell you plainly what scripture says instead of what tradition and many denominational doctrines teach.
Acts 1:8 tells us the primary reason why God is pouring out His Spirit is so that WE can walk in the power and victory that we have Christ - and it is thru our example that we can be an effective and powerful witness to the world about the truth of the Gospel and the Power of God! 

A Powerful witness:
As Paul the Apostle said, we are not supposed to just have a bunch of words and fine arguments that are designed to convince people of the truth. We are supposed to be able to present the Gospel in Word and in Power!
"And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." [1Cor:2:4-5]
"For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost...." [1Thes:1:5]

We are a Church of Miracles Signs and Wonders!
God has promised us that not only would we have His Holy Spirit living IN us - but that He would show wonders and do mighty miracles THRU us by the Power of the Holy Ghost that dwells in us.
Speaking of the Coming Church Isaiah boldly stated [Isa:8:18]:
"Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwells in mount Zion." (the church - see Heb:12:22]
Speaking of the Coming Church Jesus Said:
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." [Mk:16:16-17]
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father....And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
Even the Spirit of truth;"
Speaking of the Present Church Paul the Apostle Declared:
"Through mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God; so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." [Rom:15:19]

The Power of the Spirit:
Brethren, the Power of the Spirit of God is available to EVERY born-again Child of God. "You shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." [Acts 1:8 • Acts 2;39]
It is only when the believer, acting in faith steps out and begins to demonstrate the power that dwells in him/her that God Jesus' promise comes into manifestation: "the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do..." [Jn:14:12]

It's For Us:
Even more exciting is the fact that Jesus wasn't just talking to the disciples - but he was speaking to us as well. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." [Acts 2;39]
Lack of Knowledge:
Unfortunately most Christians today have little or no knowledge of the Holy Spirit other than believing He exists - and consequently they have no idea as to HOW to access the power that God desires to release In them and THRU them. "My People are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge" [Hosea 4:6]

Part 1 of a New Series:
Many in the body of Christ have never learned how to access and walk in the Supernatural Power of the Holy Spirit. This is why we have put together a very special series on this subject. 
This in-depth study is designed to teach you the ministry of the Holy Ghost in the believer's life and how to access the Supernatural Power that is available to you by faith. Find out what belongs to you and how to obtain it.
I encourage each of you to learn the truth about how God has provided the means to supernaturally enable each of us to walk in His divine power in way that will bring forth the signs, wonders and miracles that Jesus promised that each of us could - and should show forth as a witness to a lost world.
Take the time to listen to the entire audio message and any following messages - and for those who receive the instructions and apply them you will begin to see the power of God manifested in a way that you never dreamed could be yours.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mavuno ni mengi Watendakazi ni wachache

Usemi usemao mavuno ni mengi lakini watendakazi ni wachache bado umezidi kuendelea kuwa dhahiri ingawa vyuo vya mafunzo ya Biblia vinazidi kuzalisha watumishi na watenda kazi katika shamba la BWANA. Hawa wanaoneka katika picha ni baadhi ya waumini wa kanisa moja huko maeneo ya Kibaoni Wilayani Kilosa ambao wapo hawana mchungaji yapata sasa mwaka mmoja.

Nilipata nafasi ya kufika huko na kuwahudumia neno la MUNGU nilipata kujifunza mambo ya ajabu. Kwani ingawa kati ya waumini hao wote ambao wengi ni akina mama na hakuna hata mmoja wao amepata bahati ya kujua kusoma imekuwa kazi kwao kujifundisha maneno ya Mungu. Hata hivyo walieleza pamoja na kwamba kina wanapokutana wanaimba tu na kuomba kisha wakajiondokea makwao, bado wataishi kwa njia hiyo hiyo na hawako tayari kumwacha YESU alisema mmoja wao hata kufa. Nilizungumza na mwangalizi wa Section  hiyo Kilosa Mch Augustini Lubagula na akakiri kuwepo na upungufu wa watumishi ambao wana utayari wa kufanya kazi ya BWANA katika mazingira magumu ingawa maeneo haya wengi wanayafananisha na  nchi yenye maziwa na asali.


Wimbo wa kuna dawa ulioimbwa na mwanadada maarufu nchini Kenya Ester Wahome umeelezwa kuzidi kushika chati ya juu katika muziki wa injili Afrika Mashariki na Kati

Ester Wahome

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Watu wengi katika ulimwengu huu  ama ambao hawajaamini kabisa habari za Mungu hata wakati mwingine wale ambao wamekwishaanza kuamini habari za Mungu wakati mwingine wanakuwa na mashaka kuhusu uwepo wa Mungu mwenye nguvu JEHOVA. Uchunguzi unaoyeshakuwa watu wanakuwa na mashaka juu ya uwepo wa Mungu kwa sababu ya siri ya ukuu wa Mungu ambao umejificha na kwamba pengine watu wangetamani wamwone akizungumza na watu ana kwa ana na pia ashushe nguvu zake zionekane wazi kwa kila mtu kama yeye ni MWANGA, basi watu wamuone akishuka kwa mng'aro mkubwa angani mara anapozungumza nasi. Lakini yote hayo yamebakia katika siri ya ukuu Wake. Ilitokea mara chache sana hapo zamani katika kipindia cha akina Musa Mungu ambako Mungu alizungumza na Musa uso kwa uso ingawa Musa hakuweza kuuhimili utukufu wake hadi siku moja alipikutana na Mungu mliimani alishuka aking'aa sana  na macho yake yakashindwa kuona mwanga kwa muda  kwa  sababu ya utukufu wa Mungu.
Hata siku moja Waisraeli wakawa wamekosa kuamini juu ya Mungu wao mwenye nguvu ambaye wamekuwa wakimtumikia, na hii ilimfanya Musa awe na wasiwasi kupeleka maneno ambayo Mungu alikuwa akiimtuma hata akamtaka Mungu afanye jambo la uthibitisho naye Mungu akamjibu Musa siku moja kwamaba kawaambie MIMI NIKO AMBAYE NIKO NIMEKUTUMA. Ikiwa na maana kwamba Yuko na ataandelea kuwepo.( Yuda 1:24 maandiko yanasema tena kuwa Mungu yuko na utukufu uko na yeye milele yote.) 

Ukweli ni kwamba jinsi ambavyo Dunia inakwenda na taratibu zake ambazo hazijawahi kukosewa hata siku moja zikabadilika kama vile, jua kuangaza mchana, mwezi kuangaza usiku na wala hajawahi kutokea jua likakosea na  kuaangaza usiku wa manane, inaonyesha wazi kabisa kwa mtazamo na uelewa wa kawaida kabisa wala haihitaji shule yoyote hapa kwamba yoko mmoja mwenge nguvu anayeongoza taratibu hizi za Dunia. Huyo ndiye Mungu mwenye nguzu tunayemzungumzia katika blog hii. Huyo ndiye kila mtu angependa kufanya urafiki na yeye. Tafiti zinaonyesha wapo miungu wengi Duniani wapatao zaidi ya mia moja ambao wafuasi wamekuwa wakiwaabudu na kuwapatia heshima. Kati ya miungu wote waliopo haijapata hata mmoja wao aliyeweza kufukia UWEZO NA UKUU kama MUNGU JEHOVA NIKO AMBAYE NIKO, Muumba Wa Mbingu, Nchi, Bahari na vyote vinavyoonekana.

Sababu hii imempendeza MUNGU blog hii ya Injili dawa iwepo hewani ili kila mtu mwenye mapenzi mema ya kutaka kutambua uwepo wa Mungu na nguvu zake awe huru kuuliza, kuchangia, kujifunza na kutoa maoni Kibiblia katikablog hii ya wote wenye mapenzi mema.